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How To Use E-E-A-T in SEO

In SEO , one factor earns the top spot: earning Google's trust. This is where E-E-A-T comes in, standing for Expertise, Experience, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. It's not only a ranking signal, but a fundamental principle dictating which websites Google deems worthy of appearing at the top of search results. So, how do you leverage E-E-A-T to better your SEO strategy and boost your online visibility? This blog will equip you with the knowledge and practical steps to achieve just that.

What is Google E-E-A-T?

Before we start talking about tactics, let's establish a clear understanding of E-E-A-T's individual components. The SQRG outlines various levels of E-E-A-T, providing valuable guidance for both website owners and SEO professionals or SEO Agencies.
Here's a breakdown:

Highest Level

  • Expertise: Do you possess deep knowledge and understanding of the topics you cover? Are you qualified to provide credible information? Google assesses your expertise through author biographies, content quality, and industry recognition.
  • Experience: How long have you been in the field? Demonstrated experience builds trust and shows you've gained valuable insights over time. Google considers years in operation, past projects, and client testimonials.
  • Authoritativeness: Are you recognized as a leader in your field? Do other reputable sources acknowledge your expertise? Google evaluates backlinks, awards, and mentions in industry publications to gauge your authority.
  • Trustworthiness: Does your website exhibit transparency and reliability? Building trust involves accurate information, clear contact details, and a secure browsing experience. Google analyses website security, user reviews, and overall brand reputation.

High Level

Similar qualities to the highest level but might show less extensive experience or recognition.


  • Content lacks depth or accuracy, raising doubts about expertise.
  • Limited experience or achievements in the field.
  • Few backlinks or citations from authoritative sources.
  • Website displays questionable practices or lacks transparency.


  • Content demonstrably incorrect, misleading, or harmful.
  • No evidence of expertise or experience.
  • Negative reputation or association with harmful practices.

This is a simplified representation, and Google's assessment likely involves a nuanced interpretation of various factors depending on the specific YMYL topic and overall website context.

E-E-A-T is not a single metric, but an interconnected web of factors influencing Google's perception of your website. Addressing each element holistically is crucial for success. Strategies to Strengthen Your E-E-A-T:

Content is King (and Queen!)

  • Write high-quality, informative content: Conduct thorough research, cite credible sources, and offer unique insights. Ensure your content is accurate, up-to-date, and relevant to your target audience.
  • Leverage author expertise: Showcase your authors' qualifications, experience, and achievements. Consider publishing guest posts on authoritative websites in your niche.

Focus on specific topics: Avoid being a jack-of-all-trades and establish yourself as an expert in a defined area.

Building Backlinks with Authority

  • Earn backlinks from high-quality, relevant websites. Prioritize trust and relevance over quantity. Focus on industry leaders, academic institutions, and reputable publications.
  • Develop relationships with other experts in your field. Guest blogging and co-creating content can lead to natural backlink opportunities.
  • Avoid manipulative link-building tactics. Google penalizes spammy backlinks, so focus on organic link acquisition.

Establishing Trust and Transparency

  • Create a user-friendly website with a clear and concise design. Navigation should be intuitive, and information easily accessible.
  • Ensure website security. Implement HTTPS encryption and protect user data. Display trust signals like privacy policies and security badges.
  • Encourage user reviews and testimonials. Positive feedback builds trust and demonstrates real-world experience.
  • Be transparent about your contact information and business practices. Build trust by making it easy for users to connect with you.

Building E-E-A-T is an ongoing process. While the tips above provide a strong foundation, navigating the complexities can be challenging. Consider partnering with experienced SEO services in Delhi like us. We understand the nuances of Google's algorithms, E-E-A-T best practices, and the needs of our customers.

Want to have a professional project? Let’s talk about it.