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How to Build Your Social Media Marketing Strategy?

When building a house, you need bricks for the foundation, cement for durability, plaster for strength, and paint for aesthetics.

Social media strategy revolves around this concept. 

You do or die, you cannot mess around. As a social media manager, one of the prerequisite steps is involved in how you plan (and pan) things out. The flood of posts, stories, and hashtags in social media will never be under your brand radar if not a particular social media strategy is being followed,

No wonder, there is no know-it-all formula to build social media. Even as per the Sprout Social data, social media advertising spend is projected to reach $219.8 billion in 2024, with mobile generating $255.8 billion of this total by 2028. 

So better watch your social media goals, and be as spontaneous yet strategic as you can be. Where the creativity and analytics part works hand in hand, your social media strategy should blow the audience's mind. How come? We can help you somewhere. Be ready to change your social media game, read on.

How to Curate a Winning Social Media Strategy?

Social media strategy is a clear roadmap that guides your business through the ever-evolving landscape of social media. It helps you set goals, choose the right paths, and measure your progress.

Why is a social media strategy so important to have? The game starts when you actually work on these three key aspects.

1. Consistency is Key: Without a strategy, your social media efforts can feel like a random dry walk in the park. A strategy renders a framework that ensures your posts are consistent, relevant, and aligned with your overall business goals.

2. Targeted Reach: A social media strategy also allows you to identify your ideal audience and modify your content as per their specific interests and needs. This makes you reach the right people only at the right time. 

3. Measurable Results: A strategy outlines the metrics you'll track, such as engagement, reach, and conversions. This data helps you measure the success of your efforts and make data-driven decisions.

What are the Benefits of a Social Media Strategy?

While the benefits of social media marketing are many, so are the importance of creating a social media strategy in the first place. To top all of that, a social media manager will enjoy the following perks:

  1. Increased Brand Awareness: By religiously sharing valuable content, you can proliferate your brand's visibility and reach new audiences.

  2. More Customer Retention: Social media renders a platform to connect with your customers directly. A well-executed strategy can foster meaningful relationships and build brand loyalty.

  3. Healthy Website Traffic: Social media can drive traffic to your website, leading to more leads and sales.

  4. Targeted Marketing: A full-fledged strategy helps you identify and reach specific demographics, interests, and behaviours, making your marketing efforts more worthy.

  5. Reputation Management: Social media can be used to monitor and respond to customer feedback, helping you manage your brand's reputation.

  6. Lead Generation: By offering valuable content and calls to action, you can generate leads and nurture potential customers.

  7. Influencer Collaborations: A strategy can identify and collaborate with influencers who gel up with your brand, expanding your reach and transparency.

A social media strategy is not a one-time event. It requires ongoing monitoring, analysis, and adaptation to stay relevant in the fast-paced world of social media.

I. Sell Your Objectives

Your objectives don't need to rest in one corner. Make use of objectives, measure it. Objectives, as a whole, should be defined as per brand's unique selling proposition (USP) and the expectation you want to curtain on people's mindset.

Here's a glimpse of it.

Identify your target audience

Are your target audience liking the kind of content you curate on Instagram for your brand? What is their age? How's their personality in general? If you got those answers already, congratulations, you are one step ahead. If not, better you start prioritising studying your audience. 

Determine your goals (e.g., brand awareness, lead generation, sales)

Once you reach, you would like to know your goals i.e., how's your brand doing? No matter big or small achievements your business gains, your digital marketing strategy will raise the question: What's next? It's always one pathway, in the true sense. If your brand hails from a jewellery niche, you cannot expect to be paid from the word go. It's next to impossible. In other words, work your brand out as per its niche and taste. You cannot market art business, but you can subtly emote it in a way that wows several art lovers.

Setting SMART Objectives for Your Brand

Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART) objectives are go-to for any effective digital marketing campaigns. Here's how to apply this framework to your brand's goals:


  1. Define clear, concise goals: Avoid vague statements like "increase brand awareness." Instead, specify "increase brand awareness among women aged 25-35 in Delhi by 20%."
  2. Target a particular audience: Identify the specific demographic or psychographic characteristics of your ideal customer.


  1. Set quantifiable targets: Use metrics that can be measured and tracked, such as website traffic, social media engagement, or sales.
  2. Define key performance indicators (KPIs): Determine the metrics that will help you evaluate your progress toward achieving your goals.


  1. Set realistic expectations: Consider your brand's current resources, capabilities, and market conditions.
  2. Break down large goals into smaller steps: This will make your objectives more manageable and increase your chances of success.


  1. Align objectives with your overall business strategy: Ensure that your digital marketing goals contribute to your brand's long-term objectives.
  2. Consider your target audience's needs and preferences: Tailor your objectives to meet the specific requirements of your customers.


  1. Set deadlines: Establish specific timelines for achieving your objectives.
  2. Create a timeline or project plan: Break down your goals into smaller tasks and assign deadlines for each.

Here's a dummy example of a SMART Objective for you! 

  • Specific: Increase website traffic from organic search by 30%
  • Measurable: Track website traffic using Google Analytics
  • Achievable: Conduct keyword research and optimize website content for search engines
  • Relevant: Align with the goal of increasing online sales

  • Time-bound: Secure a 30% increase in organic traffic within six months

II. Choose Your Platforms Wisely

For example, if Brown Men Marketing are working on a newbie freelancer platform in the UAE, you have to educate the people regarding the convenient ways of freelancing there. Linkedin can be the best fit for it as there is already a plethora of professionals and freelancers looking for gigs. Similarly, it may not stand as a good idea for a food delivery app brand. First things first, what do you need to do?

Target Audience Analysis: Understanding where your audience spends time online is crucial. Research their preferred platforms and demographics. Are they primarily on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter? Do they engage more with visual content or text-based updates?

Platform Features: Each platform offers unique features. Consider which ones align with your content and goals. For example, Instagram is ideal for visually appealing content, while LinkedIn is better suited for professional networking.

III. Content Strategy, A MUST HAVE

The best content strategy relies on how we ideate, not on but what we plan. For any brand to evolve on a continuous level, you must have a direct approach ready to socialise your business with the pool of your target audience. The content must go in sync with brand guidelines and language.

  • Content Calendar: A structured content calendar helps maintain consistency and ensures you're posting the right content at the right time. Plan out your posts in advance, considering themes, topics, and visuals.

  • Content Mix: A variety of content keeps your audience engaged. Promotional content can highlight products or services, educational content provides value, and engaging content fosters interactions. For example, you could share product demos, industry insights, or behind-the-scenes glimpses.

  • Visual Content: Eye-catching visuals, such as videos, infographics, and images, can significantly increase engagement. Use high-quality visuals that resonate with your audience and complement your message.

IV. Engagement and Community Building From Scratch

  • Customer Interaction: Prompt and personalised responses build trust and loyalty. Respond to comments, messages, and reviews in a timely manner, showing that you value your audience's feedback.

  • Community Building: Encourage user-generated content, such as reviews or photos, to foster a sense of community and authenticity. Run contests or giveaways to encourage engagement and participation.

  • Collaborations: Partnering with influencers or other brands can expand your reach and introduce your brand to new audiences. Look for opportunities to collaborate with complementary businesses or influencers who resonate with your target market.

V. All Eyes on Advertising and Promotion

  • Budget Allocation: Determine how much you can invest in social media advertising and allocate funds accordingly. Consider your overall marketing budget and the goals you want to achieve with social media advertising.

  • Targeted Ads: Use platform-specific targeting options to reach your ideal audience based on demographics, interests, and behaviors. This helps ensure that your ads are seen by the right people.

  • Social Proof: Leverage user-generated content in your ads to enhance credibility and build trust. Testimonials, reviews, or photos from satisfied customers can be powerful social proof.

VI. Analytics (and Consistent Monitoring)

  • KPIs: Track metrics like engagement rates, reach, and conversions to measure the effectiveness of your strategy. Monitor how your posts perform, identify trends, and measure the impact of your efforts.

  • Analytics Tools: Use tools like Facebook Insights or Google Analytics to gain deeper insights into your audience and performance. These tools provide valuable data that can help you optimise your strategy.

  • Optimization: Regularly analyze your data to identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments. Experiment with different content formats, posting times, and ad targeting to find what works best for your audience.

VII. Influencer Collaborations is the New Era

  • Influencer Alignment: Identify influencers whose values and audience align with your brand. Look for influencers who have a genuine connection with their followers and can authentically promote your products or services. 

  • Partnership Types: Collaborations can include sponsored content, product reviews, or event appearances. Consider the type of partnership that best suits your goals and the influencer's capabilities.

  • Performance Monitoring: Track the impact of influencer partnerships on your brand metrics and adjust your strategy accordingly. Measure the reach, engagement, and conversions generated by influencer collaborations to assess their effectiveness.

VIII. Curate a Crisis Management Plan Beforehand

There's always a bunch of what ifs and don’ts while we post an unconventional campaign and ad. That’s why any social media manager should keep themselves in the loop when it comes to developing a crisis strategy alongside. 

In 2010, Nestlé faced a significant crisis when Greenpeace accused the company of sourcing palm oil from suppliers linked to deforestation and the endangerment of orangutans. This accusation sparked a public outcry and led to a social media storm against the popular Kit Kat brand. The role of social media?

  • Rapid Dissemination: Social media platforms like YouTube and Twitter allowed Greenpeace to quickly spread their message to a global audience.

  • Mobilisation of Support: The viral Kit Kat commercial, featuring a bloody orangutan, galvanised online users to share the message and boycott Nestlé products.

  • Amplification of Criticism: Negative comments and posts flooded Nestlé's social media channels, damaging the brand's reputation.


Nestlé's Response and Its Consequences

  • Defensive Stance: Nestlé initially responded defensively, denying wrongdoing and claiming copyright infringement on the viral video.

  • Backlash: This defensive stance further fueled public anger, as it was perceived as insensitive to the environmental concerns raised by Greenpeace.

  • Long-Term Damage: The crisis eroded Nestlé's brand reputation and led to a decline in sales.

Lessons Learned for Crisis Communication

  • Proactive Monitoring: Companies should continuously monitor social media for potential crises and be prepared to respond promptly.

  • Empathetic Response: In times of crisis, a sincere and empathetic response is crucial to regain public trust.

  • Transparency and Accountability: Companies should be transparent about their actions and take accountability for their mistakes.

  • Crisis Communication Plan: A well-developed crisis communication plan can help brands or businesses cope through difficult situations effectively.

Beyond the Crisis

  • Sustainable Practices: Nestlé's eventual commitment to using sustainable palm oil was a positive step toward addressing the environmental concerns raised by the crisis.

  • Industry Impact: The Nestlé Kit Kat crisis highlighted the need for the palm oil industry to adopt more sustainable practices.


What to do in the end?

  • Preparedness: A crisis management plan outlines how you'll respond to negative feedback or reputation issues. Be prepared to handle potential crises in a timely and effective manner.

  • Transparency: Be honest and transparent in your responses to concerns on social media. Acknowledge issues, apologise if necessary, and provide clear solutions or next steps.

  • Issue Resolution: Use social media as a platform to address and resolve issues publicly, demonstrating your commitment to customer satisfaction. By proactively addressing concerns, you can mitigate damage to your brand's reputation.

The world of social media is waiting for your unique story.

In the bustling digital landscape, a perfect social media strategy is akin to a sturdy foundation for your brand. It's not just about posting and engaging; it's about weaving a narrative that resonates with your audience, builds trust, and drives tangible results.

So, are you ready to build your brand's social media empire with the best social media agency, Brown Men Marketing? 

You  may need us!

It's time to roll up your sleeves, dive deep into your audience's needs, and create a strategy that makes you stand out from the rest.

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