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Is Sora Open AI the Next Big Thing?

Think 10 to 15 aeons back when plagiarised content detectors were like an alien coming out of a UFO, landing on Earth, and we would go like, Wooo! Is it a big deal still now? Of course not. These are now specks of dust in front of AI technologies. After back-to-back blockbuster AI platform creations, namely ChatGPT and Lumiere, Sora is the new ‘advanced’ throwback to what AI has been doing for us. Is Sora Open AI going to turn our heads, or is it just another strong comeback by Open AI CEO Sam Altman to make big headlines? Welcome to this blog.

What is Sora Open AI?

Developed by one and only Sam Altman, the CEO of ChatGPT parent Open AI, Sora, named after the Japanese word for sky. Unlike similar models, Sora can generate high-fidelity videos up to a minute long (or 60 seconds) from just a simple text prompt. 

In other words, as per OpenAI’s point of view, Sora aims to teach AI to “understand and simulate the physical world in motion, with the goal of training models that help people solve problems that require real-world interaction.” From California's 19th-century gold rush to 3D animations, forget about budget and camera; all you need is boundless imagination. That’s not enough. 

Sora Open AI can also generate videos from still images and "extend" existing videos — including the ability to "fill in missing frames”.

From CRED CEO Kunal Shah tested its effectiveness by posting on X, “A bicycle race on the ocean with different animals as athletes riding the bicycles with a drone camera view”, giving a perfect real-time video to create never-have-I-seen kind of hyper-realistic videos. This AI tool is grasping the ‘beyond’ movement. It’s a no-brainer yet interesting homework for people to think out loud.

How Does Sora Open AI Work?

Sora Open AI shares a similar characteristic to its predecessors, DALL-E and ChatGPT: it can understand natural language prompts and generate real-life videos. Though what makes Sora unique is that it can create whole videos, unlike other AI programs of the past that excelled only in complexity and realism. As we know, Sora is a text-to-video diffusion model. This method uses text prompts as inputs and iteratively refines noises or audio to create a video matching the specified description. Here's a breakdown of how it might work:

  1. Understanding the prompt: Sora is likely to use a large language model (LLM) to parse and understand the text that contains concepts, objects, actions, and relationships mentioned.
  2. Generating initial noise: The model commences with a noisy video representation, essentially random pixels scattered across frames.
  3. Iterative refinement: It performs a diffusion procedure, which is a non-obtrusive process deriving signals from the prompts and the understanding of the visual content. This could involve:
  • Predicting the following frame: Within the current frame and noise, the model intends to predict the next frame in the sequence, thus refining the whole content of the video.
  • Guiding with the prompt: The prompt serves as a continuous correction to direct the model in ensuring the video produced aligns with the desired style and theme.
  • Learning from data: Sora is trained on a large amount of data, which comprises the video and text; this allows it to learn the patterns and relationships and then output coherent results.
  1. Decoding the final video: After the removal is sufficient, the model will decode the video representation, which is the final one and turn the actual pixels into the output that you see.

What Makes Sora Different From Other AI Models?

While AI video generation isn't an entirely new concept, Sora does stand out from the crowd in these top 6 ways:

  1. Unmatched Complexity and Realism: Sora can now produce short videos with high-quality images for as long as a minute, which usually converges to be almost indistinguishable from real-life captures. This prowess in quality makes it stand tall and causes excitement (and some worries).
  2. Text-to-Video High Capability: Unlike other models requiring certain pre-made components such as videos, Sora only uses text inputs and, therefore, provides users with more control and greater creative freedom. The user describes what they have in mind, and then Sora brings the scenery to life.
  3. Accessible Engagement: Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, created a novel approach, unlike any user-centric approach, by asking for firsthand user prompts. This made the public believe in him and showcased Sora's wide range of innate powers.
  4. Ethical Concerns: Professionalism is the issue with RealSora as the output can be used for questionable purposes, e.g., creating deepfakes or distorting public opinion. This emphasises that the growth process should be responsible, and ethical codes of conduct should be implemented. (Note: Sora’s release is limited to “red teamers” who will test it for risks and select visual artists and filmmakers.)
  5. Impact on the Creative Industry: The capability of Sora to automate video editing will also affect the job market and the available opportunities for artistic expression in future. These raise serious issues that deserve a close watch so that art and music can become a tool of creative empowerment but not a threat to professional careers.
  6. And the latest, the Market Price of AI Tokens: AI tokens were in an upward trend on the weekends after OpenAI released its text-to-video generator, Sora. It has reassured some investors, while others have been scared by it. The price of some AI tokens, for example, Worldcoin's WLD, raised 30%, while the crypto market's AI token held a value of 7.7%. This is not the first time AI tokens have seen their price determined by rising trends. However, that is still a sign that there are still investors who believe in the potential, even though there are concerns about how it will be used.

But there’s always good and bad. The positive note is that they accept further challenges and address the issues “openly”. The OpenAI company also acknowledged its weaknesses at their nascent stage, like inaccuracy in replicating physical scenarios where there is friction or why a cookie still appears intact. Thus, it has already made a historical footprint on Sora.

Finally, Here’s How Sora Open AI Became a Social Media Buzz?

This recreation piece of AI is more than just becoming an overall content inspiration. Sam Altman’s pre-promotional approach favouring Sora is a marketing lesson because it increased its credibility and the number of users. Here's how:

  • Direct User Interaction: Altman broke the traditional route of press releases and ordinary marketing by asking the public to comment on X, resulting in better engagement and an interactive experience. This blew their minds and made the most of them while demonstrating Sora's abilities.
  • Responding to Diverse Requests: Sora Open AI was forced to react to diverse prompts, from funny (golden retrievers podcasting) to exciting (Will Smith eating spaghetti), which showed its flexibility and stimulated dialogues in which its possible uses were debated.
  • Leveraging Influencers: Promotion requests from known internet celebrities were sent by MrBeast and Carl Pei -this added credibility and reach to the campaign. Sora's participation became why a larger audience was aware of it, generating additional interest.
  • Creating Shareable Content: The videos themselves, added to the visual appeal and sometimes funny aspects, were shared and turned more people into campaign ambassadors, thus accelerating their reach and virality.
  • Transparency and Accessibility: X's interactions with users on Y made the product less abstract and more relatable. This promoted a sense of transparency and accessibility around Sora. Unlike the restricted press content, this facilitated free-flowing discussions and feedback.

It is good to clarify the deal; Altman didn't act singlehandedly to promote Sora. Open AI already has the PR channels, and the technology is eventful. On the other hand, Altman's strategic use of X has greatly contributed to the increase in the public's interest and a kind of interesting and effective advertising.

And that’s a wrap for the day. 

We are coming up with more updates on Sora; till then, fingers crossed!

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